Documentation of Loglan'82

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Na dokumentację Loglanu'82 składają się


How to install Loglan'82

Loglan compiler and environment is offered for Linux and Windows platforms.

  1. A new version is in preparation! See []
  2. An older version (for Linux as well as for Windows) is here

$ Loglan as a plug-in for Eclipse?

Presentations and articles

See also



  1. Dziękujemy pani Jolancie Warpechowskiej i panu prof. Andrzejowi Szałasowi za wyrażenie zgody na udostępnienie tej książki.


  1. [Loglan'82 1984] W.M. Bartol i in.: Report on the Loglan'82 programming language. Warszawa-Łódź: PWN, 1984, s. 165.
  2. [Szałas, Warpechowska 1991] Andrzej Szałas, Jolanta Warpechowska: Loglan. Warszawa: WNT, 1991, s. 234.
  3. [Kreczmar, Cioni 1984] Antoni Kreczmar, Gianna Cioni. Programmed deallocation without dangling reference. „Information Processing Letters”, s. 179-187, 1984. 
  4. [Kreczmar, Oktaba, Ratajczak, Litwiniuk 1983] Antoni Kreczmar, W.M. Bartol, H. Oktaba, A.I. Litwiniuk: Semantics and Implementation of Prefixing at Many Levels. T. proc. Logics of Programs and their Applications. Berlin: Springer Vlg, 1983, s. 45-80, seria: LNCS 148. ISBN 0387119817.
  5. [Kreczmar i in 1984] Antoni Kreczmar, Manfred Krause, Hans Langmaack, Andrzej Salwicki: Specification and Implementation Problems of Programming Languages Proper for Hierarchical Data Types. T. Rep. 8410. Kiel: Institut fuer Informatik, University of Kiel, 1984.
  6. [Kreczmar 1982] Antoni Kreczmar: The programming language Loglan'82 Basic constructs and facilities. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1982, s. 66.
  7. [Kreczmar i in. 1986] Antoni Kreczmar, Manfred Krause, Hans Langmaack, Marek Warpechowski: Concatenation of program modules an algebraic approach to the semantics and implementation problems. Berlin: Springer, 1986, s. 134-156, seria: LNCS 208.
  8. [Kreczmar, Salwicki, Warpechowski 1990] Antoni Kreczmar, Andrzej Salwicki, Marek Warpechowski: Loglan'88 - Report on the Programming Language. Berlin: Springer Vlg, 1990, s. 133, seria: LNCS 414. ISBN 0387523251.
  9. [Cioni,Kreczmar 1989] Gianna Cioni, Antoni Kreczmar: Modules in High Level Programming Languages. T. Advanced Programming Methodologies. London: Academic Press, 1989, s. 247-340. ISBN 0121746909.
  10. [Cioni,Kreczmar,Vitale 1989] Gianna Cioni, Antoni Kreczmar, Ricardo Vitale: Storage Management. T. Advanced Programming Methodologies. London: Academic Press, 1989, s. 341-366. ISBN 0121746909.

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